Monday, April 30, 2007

1100 adult stem cell clinical trials in the U.S. - none for embryonic stem cells

According to David Prentice, PhD "There are currently over 1100 FDA approved clinical trails going on in the United States using adult stem cells. There are none for embryonic stem cells."

Is it too much to hope that legislators will fund only adult stem cell research with the nation's limited tax dollars?

Stem cells return sensation to spinal patient

Doctors at Mumbai's Sion Hospital are delighted at the return of sensation to the legs and bowel of a patient with a fractured spine who was treated with his own adult stem cells.
The patient, who became paralysed after a road accident, can now feel it when people touch his legs and he now has some movement in his hips.
And a colleague questioned my use of the word "miracle" on my blog! If this story doesn't qualify as a miracle then nothing does.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Why adult stem cells?

I keep getting asked why I am interested in adult stem cell research and therapy when there is so much research and development into embryonic stem cells.
My answer is simple. In my opinion university and private researchers, while fond of asserting the potential of embryonic stem cells (because these cells can become any cell or tissue in the body) have not prgressed very far at all - apart from creating tumors in animal subjects. Any real progress seems to be a long way off and my interest is in those patients with incurable diseases who can be helped RIGHT NOW.
Another reason I am cynical about embryonic research is that researchers in this field are hell-bent on keeping their whopping grants - the public trough is rich and full of goodies - and the taxpayer, as usual, pays.
And, yes, I have to admit that I have ethical problems with the destruction of a life that necessarily accompanies embryonic research. I have an uncomfortable feeling that before long we would see people selling human embryos or even farming them for research and I find that morally repugnant.
Adult stem cells, by contrast are quite a different kettle of fish. Firstly, if taken from the patient's own body, there are no rejection problems.What possible harm can be done? Secondly the technology is here now to take the cells required and multiply them in a laboratory until they reach therapeutic levels. Simply inject them into the affected, diseased and failing heart muscle or into the area surrounding a blockage of a coronary artery and a conservative 75-80% of patients regain a quality of life they cannot believe. When patients who were told to prepare for imminent death throw away their wheelchair or return to the golf course, then in my view that constitutes a miracle. Don't believe me - see and hear their own stories.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Heart Valve, Diabetes and Sperm Cells - all from adult stem cell based research

Buried beneath the hysteria over the U.S. Senate facing off Bush over embryonic stem cell funding, in just one week three exciting successes from adult stem cell research have been published.
Firstly a study of teens with Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes, showing that after several years many were no longer dependent upon insulin. Everyone knows that the complications from diabetes beginning at an early age can be severe and life threatening, so this study shows promise and will bring hope to many.
Secondly, the BBC reported that adult stem cells had been used to make spermatological cells (which normally mature into sperm cells in the testes and can be used for fertilization). The implications of this for infertile couples are far-reaching and encouraging.
Thirdly, also from a BBC report, a human heart valve has been created from adult stem cells. The project leaders hope that, in time, they will be able to grow replacement human hearts using the technology. Even now, after testing and evaluation, the likelihood is that patients with a stem cell-based heart valve can expect it to last much longer than artificial replacements.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don Ho gained 15 months of standing ovations

Hawaiian entertainer Don Ho brought pleasure to many thousands of his fans. His recent passing brings sadness, but his story also has given many desperately ill people the chance of a longer and healthier life.
Don gained 15 months doing what he loved. Prior to his having adult stem cell therapy in Bangkok he was unable to perform. He encouraged and inspired others suffering from end-stage heart disease to get treated in Bangkok - those patients are now enjoying doing all the things they thought they would never be able to do again.
Don's story is just one of hundreds who have discovered for themselves the new frontier of medicine. Instead of lying down waiting to die these courageous people have flown half way around the world to experience a level of skill and care they would not have believed. They are now found on the golf course and swimming pool instead of languishing in a hospice.