Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don Ho gained 15 months of standing ovations

Hawaiian entertainer Don Ho brought pleasure to many thousands of his fans. His recent passing brings sadness, but his story also has given many desperately ill people the chance of a longer and healthier life.
Don gained 15 months doing what he loved. Prior to his having adult stem cell therapy in Bangkok he was unable to perform. He encouraged and inspired others suffering from end-stage heart disease to get treated in Bangkok - those patients are now enjoying doing all the things they thought they would never be able to do again.
Don's story is just one of hundreds who have discovered for themselves the new frontier of medicine. Instead of lying down waiting to die these courageous people have flown half way around the world to experience a level of skill and care they would not have believed. They are now found on the golf course and swimming pool instead of languishing in a hospice.


Anonymous said...

Damien nice website, i have a question for you.

i hear that the stem cell therapies in thailand are much better than those in brazil.

is this true and i have never been to thailand what is the quality of healthcare like there

Anonymous said...

Why adult stem cells? Is it true there are fewer of them and that they are less adaptable/potent?

Damien Whyte said...

Why adult stem cells? Because to date all embryonic stem cells have done is produce tumors in rodents.
Adult stem cells that come from the patient's own body are safer and cannot be rejected. They are also proven to be about 75-80% effective in helping seriously ill haeart patients get better blood flow to damaged heart muscle and patients are able to return to a more active life. More to come....

Damien Whyte said...

Dear Anon
Thanks for your comment.
If you are one of those who think Thailand (or Asia) couldn't possibly have hospitals as good as those 'back home" - you're wrong.
Go to www.bumrungrad.com or Google search for Chao Phraya Hospital, Phayathai Hospital Group, Parkway Hospital Group (Singapore), Bangkok Hospital etc etc.
Nothing like laying prejudices to rest! These hospitals are truly world class, with a level of compassion and care Westerners once had but have now lost. Further, many or most of the medical specialists have spent a great deal of their time post-grad in the U.S. or U.K. etc.

Unknown said...

hello damien,

what do you think about the brazil study that treated patients with adult stem cell and their requirement for insulin went away in three months.

why do you think it took three years to finally publish the results?

Damien Whyte said...

Dear Brian
The press, like other vested interest groups, are not in the least interested in adult stem cells.
Too busy with their snouts in the public trough.