Friday, May 11, 2007

Brave Scot faces doctor's scorn

I read yesterday of a Scottish man, who has been blind for many years, travelling to Germany for adult stem cell therapy he hopes will help him. I think most of us would wish him the very best of luck.
His doctor described the whole exercise as "implausible". Yes, doctor, it may be difficult to believe that people with incurable diseases are being helped and healed in wondrous ways. Your arrogance and ignorance will not turn back the tide. Please read the research and see just what is being done for people right now.
I once thought acupuncture was implausible. How could a few needles inserted into my feet and navel and then twiddled occasionally possibly help chronic and debilitating migraines? But they did. I have no explanation and need none. I'm just grateful that I was open-minded enough to accept something I didn't understand at all.
May our Scottish friend be another example of how patient outcomes will drive progress!

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