Monday, May 28, 2007

Scientists throw another lifeline to heart failure patients

The momentum is speeding up. Researchers trying to help heart failure, cardiomyopathy and ischemic heart disease patients have discovered that adult stem cells within the heart perhaps can be hormonally stimulated to create new tissue.
The Victor Chang Cardiac Institute is researching stimulating adult stem cells to move from the bone marrow into the bloodstream where they can be painlessly obtained and harvested or just stimulating them to come into the circulation where they will find their own way to the heart and start the repair.
This research from Down Under is yet another example of how far and fast adult stem cells are becoming the preferred treatment option for patients formerly condemned to a resricted life on a treadmill of drugs, surgery, stents etc etc. The day is coming in many countries when with diet, exercise and adult stem cells poeple will be able to enjoy a longer and more active life. At present help is available now, but you have to travel for it - however, it is still considerably cheaper than a few days in a US hospital.

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