Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Stem cell enhancers sold door-to-door

It is a fact that when people are desperately ill they will try anything that they believe may help them and alleviate their suffering. That's normal and understandable.
Enter the entrepreneurs, in this case marketing, online and door-to-door, a dietary supplement they claim will boost the number of circulating stem cells.
Doctors and scientists are warning consumers to be very wary of claims made by the company regarding their algae-based product. Blog sites are either pro or anti, with one that promotes a healthy lifestyle saying: "not everyone could turn a potentially deadly pond scum into the cure for all diseases." Scientists say there is a risk the product could activate dormant cancer cells.

Am I mistaken in being very suspicious of a MLM scheme that is selling some 50,000 bottles per month at $60 each. Shouldn't there first be testing and then selling?
What do you think?

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