Friday, May 25, 2007

Ten years of embryonic stem cell research and nothing to show for it!

The politics of embryonic stem cell research are all about vested interest i.e. money. Many research institutes have had their noses in the public trough for some ten years now. What have they produced? Tumors in rats - not ONE treatment or cure for diseases in humans has been developed.
Now researchers from the California Institute of RegenerativeMedicine have warned that the press and public have exaggerated the nearness of successful embryonic stem cell research! So we have to wait years and years for any advances to be made.
I suggest we leave the embryonic stem cell researchers to their labs and their lifestyle dependent upon taxpayer dollars. Regenerative medicine is being driven by superior adult stem cells which RIGHT NOW are actually being used to develop cures and treatments. Adult stem cells are highly versatile and do not require the destruction of human life.Ask the hundreds of patients dying from congestive heart failure, ischemic heart disease or cardiomyopathy how improved they were after adult stem cell treatment and they will tell you that adult stem cell treatment was safe, minimally invasive and gave them back an active and more energetic life. These patients chose not to retire to a hospice to await the inevitable; they took charge of their own heath, often in the face of skepticism from medical specialists, friends and family. Their stories are inspiring and they are at the vangaurd of a revolution.
I hope this revolution is a noisy one as the good news should be trumpeted loudly. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DIE, HELP IS AVAILBLE NOW FOR END-STAGE HEART FAILURE.

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